Water Damage Rescue

Reputable Services

Our reputable partners are experienced in restoring water damage incidents.

Fast Response

Water damage incidents are time-sensitive and require immediate response.

Easily Connect

We quickly and efficiently connect you with local water damage services.

Asset Protection

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Water Damage Rescue Services

Water damage can effect more than the eye can see, and it is important to hire professional restoration services to prevent long-term issues. Modern drying and dehumidification techniques have revolutionized the ability to restore homes and commercial spaces after flooding. Call today to see how important professional water damage response services are after a leak or flood!

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Importance of Water Damage Rescue

Water damage can range from a small drip, to storm and flood destruction. Our partnered water damage remediation teams are experienced in restoring homes and commercial spaces after flooding or plumbing malfunction. These service providers understand the time-sensitivity of water damage events, and our goal is to expedite the process of finding a water damage remediation team in your area. Learn more about the importance and modern capabilities of professional water damage remediation services. 
There are several signs of water damage that may go unrecognized in your home or business. Keep an eye out for the following indicators of water damage:

  • Wall damage: Plumbing malfunctions within walls often lead to walls swelling and/or the paint bubbling and cracking. Leaks can result in water pooling within the walls, and it is important to catch these issues before further damage to your home or business. Learn more about the signs of water damage in your walls. 

  • Floor damage: Flooring is one of the most common indicators of water damage. Spongey subfloor, peeling or buckling floor material, and discoloration are tell-tale signs of water damage. This can lead to structural damage and long-term deterioration of your flooring. Learn more about the signs of water damage lurking in your subfloor.

  • Mold: The dangers of mold extend beyond the damage to your home. Without professional dehumidifying services, mold often appears after a water damage event in damp areas, which become breeding grounds for bacteria and pathogens. Mold can be very dangerous to your health, and requires professional cleaning and dehumidifying services. Learn more about how mold can directly correlate with water damage. 
water damage remediation drywall

Our Process

1. Call

Consumers call water-damage-rescue.com. 

2. Connect

We connect callers with reputable water damage restoration services in their area. 

3. Restore

Consumers can then request more information about services, schedule an assessment, and more!